This final video demonstrates my ability to improvise on beats I have learned.
Teaching, Learning and Exploration
This final video demonstrates my ability to improvise on beats I have learned.
Computational Learning and Coding resource from Rich McCue
Different opportunities for coding are story creation, lessons, animations and other sharing purposes.
I tried the coding software called scratch, and it is relatively intuitive for learners. though it has been found that since this program does not have a typing interface, more so non-writing type of coding. Which was seen as limiting to some learners.
On Rich’s website, there are a various platforms in which to engage in coding activities. The one I tried is a nice one, and embedded on Rich’s website is an introductory document to learning scratch.
I joined the drum circle at UVic’s Interfaith Chapel last Thursday and it was very fun and engaging. I felt myself more able to keep a consistent beat without changing the pace or rhythm in a negative way. What would happen before is I would play something and, as I got bored of it, I’d add complexities to it, then not be able to keep the original part of the rhythm. I have found that I have been able to add my complexities more consciously and then I am able to make those changes without changing my overall foundation, or disrupting my playing.
To be able to add to my improvisation in this way was one of my main goals of my djembe pursuits.
The other learning experience that arose out of this drumming group was the soar hands I acquired from hitting the drum quite hard and probably for too long. I think that it’s important to continue to respect our bodies, even in the midst of an exciting drumming circle. I basically could not hit a drum for a couple days after! So, I have found that boundary and now I can be aware of my output and pay attention to the amount of pain I may be causing.
On Monday the group met again. We opened with a meditation and check-in.
This was a small group; only 4 of us were there, creating the opportunity to explore space and time even more deeply. We had introduced a theme of embodiment and then moved on to discussing the concept and role of play. We found that his was a very relevant topic to all of us. We conceptualized that play, for a lack of more conventional terminology, is a pure manifestation and expression of the soul. When we play, we a re connected to ourselves.
We decided to meet weekly again, after a month of meeting bi-weekly. I feel this sets a tone in the group of increased empowerment and more purpose. Along with that, we are introducing an accountability aspect. This is each person setting an intention/goal for the week and be followed up with at the next circle. My goal was to incorporate play more into my academic pursuits!
Over and Out!
Today we presented on the mindfulness apps we have been using.
It has been an interesting journey into the world of meditation for me.
We accumulated some great resources and put together a brochure for the class. That can be found here:
Mindfulness is a topic with infinite depth and value and I hope to further explore this concept personally and professionally.
We finally had another circle yesterday, after weeks of not doing so. It was our smallest group yet, and I found that we were all able to be more involved because there was more space and time for each of us. It was myself, and 4 other participants; all of whom had attended every circle thus far.
The circle was a success because we mutually conceived questions and then shared, hearing from each person based on their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The structure was more relaxed than ever before which, I felt, additionally increased ownership and engagement.
After our meditation and individual check-in, I opened the circle to any themes people would like to explore. One participant suggested we discuss loneliness. All agreed, and we proceeded around the circle, sharing our individual challenges, strategies and general wisdom on the topic. This was a rich process; leading to other themes such as identity, attachment and social needs.
I was very proud to feel the circle was effective in satisfying participants’ needs, feeling heard, exploring and connecting. I received very positive feedback from participants and am generally happy with my ability to facilitate a meaningful circle.
I have done more practicing with the drum. Particularly, Ive been focussing on memorizing entire sequences and executing them just as David Thiaw demonstrates in the book and audio. I am proud to feel like I can play a djembe.
I am having a lot of fun now in improvising on the instrument; I like to begin by playing a rhythm or sequence and then start adding beats and pats that weren’t originally in the sequence to make it more complex. Once I have this foundation in the rhythms, then I can deviate from them and change them in ways, but then still have the foundation to be able to come back into the original rhythm which creates unity in the piece.
We are nearing the end of the semester and I am grateful to feel competent with this interesting and eclectic percussion instrument. I’m happy to have a djembe at home and glad that I can always refer to the audio play-along that I have.
Hurray for Djembe!
“We are the universe experiencing itself.” – Unknown
Since I’ve been a part of men’s groups, we’ve always taken 5 or 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting to slow down and sink into our present moment. This has been done largely as a meditation.
A couple weeks ago, I noticed a poster about meditation in the UVIC library. It told of a workshop in meditation happening on Monday and Tuesday, October 21 & 22. I thought, since we always did meditation in our group, that this might be a worthy direction for our group to collectively grow. I proposed we all join the workshop and people said they were interested. Long story short, they didn’t really show up. But I did.
The instructor Ahirvad is very experienced in meditation, and had been the pupil of a very accomplished zen master who had moved to New York City and, among other things, created a spiritual community there. He held events that drew thousands of people from distant placed to experience group meditation and other spiritual work. Ashirvad had a calming and passionate nature. He reminded me of other people I have known that have been inspiring to me.
At the workshop, we learned strategies to meditate more effectively, and a pretty modest amount about the philosophies behind meditation and eastern spirituality. Part of the reason that this course was two nights in a row was so that we could practice meditation at home, directly before and directly after sleeping, and return to report our experiences.
Personally, I felt the benefits of the meditation in my day on Tuesday. Not only did it enliven my sleep the Monday night, but it allowed a calmness to drone with me throughout me day. I was sold. I went to the Tuesday night workshop enthused and ready to learn more about meditation. I left with a book, and a new life strategy.
I am looking forward to bringing additional aspects of spirituality and meditation wisdom into our next circles. We have not met in a number of weeks due to logistics and other occurences, but I’m confident that the group will begin to gain more traction in the proceeding months and into the new year.
Today I got together with a friend who wanted to learn a percussion instrument. We happened to have access to another Djembe and so proceeded with our first lesson. First, I introduced him to the Lead and Other hand concept. Then, we walked through some of the fundamental patterns – Pace, Walk, Trot and Gallop. We practiced switching the lead hand in the trot and gallop; enabling us to flow with the beat in a symmetrical and more dynamic way. As he played the patterns, I would sometimes try improving my own rhythm to transcend the pattern. I taught him from there the Merengue beat; which he picked up quickly and we played it together in unison. It was after we finished this pattern that I realized how much more fun it is to play with another person. Very very fun!
Thats all for now
The photo above and in the previous post are taken by me.
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