Physical Education is something I have always been fond of. Particularly as a young student, PE was my favourite subject by far because I was able to engage my whole body as I often felt restless in my seat in the classroom.

As an educator of physical education, I seek to enable children to completely connect with their classmates, bodies and minds. I believe there is great power in creating space and facilitating activities that promote well being and synthesis of self and others. PE can be a phenomenal tool to do this meaningful work and I feel that I have a grasp on ways that it can be done.



I feel confident in coming up with games that bring students together. Firstly, my goal will always be aligned with creating a safe and supportive community for all children. That means inclusive methodologies, and a focus on personal improvement  rather than standardized relativity. I believe it is important to provide opportunities for children to develop their physical literacy skills. Drawing their attention to how their own body is, adapts and moves.

I feel confident in facilitating and instructing in several facets of Physical Education. Gymnastics, Creative Dance, Outdoor Education, Traditional Sports (soccer, badminton, volleyball etc.) and other concepts like health and outdoor education are all areas I have direct, and substantial, experience in.


In EPHE 311, My teaching partner and I developed an outdoor education module. It revolves around team-building and building an affinity for nature and natural species.

Creating modules based around nature is very useful and relevant. It is useful because there are inherent relationships between all species and elements in nature, and those can be represented or explored in the context of PE.

Calling for Needs

Inserted above is an activity that challenges students to leverage understanding and develop empathetic and logical connections to the 8 species in the photo above.


As an educator of PE, I seek to allow each child to discover the beauty and mystery of their own abilities.

In a world so focused on outcomes, I believe that creating intentional space for meaningful and profound experiences to occur is of primary importance.