Teaching, Learning and Exploration

Category: Growth Mindset

Develop a growth mindset demonstrated in collaboration with others

Men’s Circle Reflection #3

We finally had another circle yesterday, after weeks of not doing so. It was our smallest group yet, and I found that we were all able to be more involved because there was more space and time for each of us. It was myself, and 4 other participants; all of whom had attended every circle thus far.

The circle was a success because we mutually conceived questions and then shared, hearing from each person based on their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The structure was more relaxed than ever before which, I felt, additionally increased ownership and engagement.

After our meditation and individual check-in, I opened the circle to any themes people would like to explore. One participant suggested we discuss loneliness. All agreed, and we proceeded around the circle, sharing our individual challenges, strategies and general wisdom on the topic. This was a rich process; leading to other themes such as identity, attachment and social needs.

I was very proud to feel the circle was effective in satisfying participants’ needs, feeling heard, exploring and connecting. I received very positive feedback from participants and am generally happy with my ability to facilitate a meaningful circle.



Djembe Djam!

Today I got together with a friend who wanted to learn a percussion instrument. We happened to have access to another Djembe and so proceeded with our first lesson. First, I introduced him to the Lead and Other hand concept. Then, we walked through some of the fundamental patterns – Pace, Walk, Trot and Gallop. We practiced switching the lead hand in the trot and gallop; enabling us to flow with the beat in a symmetrical and more dynamic way. As he played the patterns, I would sometimes try improving my own rhythm to transcend the pattern. I taught him from there the Merengue beat; which he picked up quickly and we played it together in unison. It was after we finished this pattern that I realized how much more fun it is to play with another person. Very very fun!


Thats all for now

The photo above and in the previous post are taken by me.



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